Bootstrap Test

Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card’s content.

Categorised as General

Simple Show Hide Test

Just a short and simple three show hides for the new image feature

Item 1

These all auto close.

1.3 has a third tier.

Item 1.1


Item 1.2


Item 1.3


Item 1.3.1


Item 1.3.2


Item 2

These also autoclose

Item 2.1


Item 2.2


Item 3

Nothing in here

Categorised as General

My h1

Go4 Simple Table of Contents – hello from the saved content!

Another H1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquid scire se gaudeant? Cum audissem Antiochum, Brute, ut solebam, cum M. Mihi, inquam, qui te id ipsum rogavi? Istam voluptatem perpetuam quis potest praestare sapienti?

Poterat autem inpune; Sed ad bona praeterita redeamus. Frater et T. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quonam, inquit, modo?

Contemnit enim disserendi elegantiam, confuse loquitur. Et nemo nimium beatus est; Respondent extrema primis, media utrisque, omnia omnibus. An haec ab eo non dicuntur? Venit ad extremum; Graccho, eius fere, aequalí?

Quamquam te quidem video minime esse deterritum. Quam si explicavisset, non tam haesitaret. Cave putes quicquam esse verius. Tum mihi Piso: Quid ergo? Haec dicuntur inconstantissime. Cur iustitia laudatur?

Random h4 to mess up any nice tiered menu

A First h2

A little bit of content under it.

h3 with Meat

Tongue bacon jowl brisket capicola, alcatra hamburger ball tip landjaeger meatloaf picanha pork tenderloin. Capicola spare ribs chislic, kevin hamburger t-bone strip steak short loin corned beef ribeye. Sirloin chuck porchetta brisket kevin andouille venison ball tip kielbasa bresaola flank landjaeger spare ribs beef ribs pastrami. Doner beef cupim porchetta rump. Frankfurter meatloaf tri-tip short loin pork strip steak, ball tip spare ribs jerky chuck porchetta chislic beef drumstick bacon.

h3 with Dinosaurs

Halszkaraptor Bolong Picrodon Tastavinsaurus Scelidosaurus Alocodon Angolatitan Austrosaurus Janenschia Australodocus Ruehleia Tanycolagreus Aepyornithomimus Weewarrasaurus Normanniasaurus.

Yingshanosaurus Sellacoxa Kulindapteryx Yandusaurus Goyocephale Xiaosaurus Protognathosaurus Eotyrannus Anzu Ojoceratops Zhenyuanlong Homalocephale Laelaps Gobihadros Microraptor.

Hesperonychus Chassternbergia Paluxysaurus Bonapartesaurus Sanpasaurus Rhodanosaurus Tyrannotitan Stenotholus Jingshanosaurus Crichtonpelta Oxalaia Cryptovolans Loncosaurus Microhadrosaurus Claorhynchus.

h2 Number 2

Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?

Douglas Adams – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Another heading that is 3rd tier and also a bit longer than your average heading


888 H3

H4 for whatever it’s worth

Another little h4

I mean does anyone even care about h5?
2 h6’s to go below this h5

A bit of content in a paragraph here

One of two h6s
2/2 for the final h6

Encabezado misterioso número tres. ¡Dios mío!

Do these headings get IDs added by default?

Do these headings get IDs added by default?

I’m spent,

Categorised as General

Important Things I Learnt Building my Show Hide

There were a few important things


The function that you want to add needs to be assigned with an arrow function. Otherwise it just gets executed rather than being mapped to the event. Took me a while to figure out.

Also adding a toggle as the event can backfire on you if the function toggles itself. Self explanatory I guess but I threw myself for a few loops that were not necessary.


<details> and <summary> tags have a default action. If you have a text input field within them, you find that the spacebar will toggle the details. The onKeyUp event and the .key function helped me get around this. (I had to do a bit of wrangling to get it to work in the WordPress block but I got there)

I Like JetBrainsMono

Its a fun font and I may try and implement it on this site at some point

I Don’t Fully Understand How Gutenberg Blocks Store Boolean Values

I just don’t.

Onward to my simple table of contents.

Categorised as General

One Final Example

First Default Group

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Second Default Group

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Third Default Group

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Third Super Group

Patagosaurus Leptorhynchos Manospondylus Bakesaurus Leshansaurus Saltasaurus Yuanmousaurus Kazaklambia Wamweracaudia Hulsanpes Tornieria Osmakasaurus Barapasaurus Liassaurus Tsintaosaurus.

First Nested Default

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Second Nested Default, open by Default

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Third Nested Super

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Fourth Nested Super, open by Default

This may never show open by default?

Fifth Nested Not Auto Close

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Sixth Nested Not Auto and Default Open

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Spare ribs drumstick ham hock chuck filet mignon short loin biltong shank leberkas frankfurter burgdoggen ball tip. Ham hock shank ribeye, tenderloin filet mignon hamburger beef ribs prosciutto. Strip steak ribeye ham hock drumstick. Cow corned beef leberkas, sirloin strip steak picanha chuck shoulder shank ham hock biltong rump fatback pork chop. Meatloaf sirloin ball tip pastrami andouille.

First Super Group

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Second Super Group

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Ne in odium veniam, si amicum destitero tueri. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Hoc non est positum in nostra actione.

Seventh and New!

Sure, let’s put a little summint here

Categorised as General

All Hail the Server’s Return

Thanks to the quick thinking actions of my beautiful wife, my server has survived the freak hailstorm that flooded the server room. There were some issues rebooting but we are back up and running thanks to

Categorised as General

I Guess We Just Love Moving

Yep, moved again. This time the software stayed where it was but I moved the physical server and got a new static IP. Let’s hope I can remember how to plumb it all back in.

Categorised as General

Moved House (Again)

Had a whole bunch of problems with my little Pi. Moved to something a little more sturdy. (It can actually compile shit.)

Things I’ve learned in the move:

  • I thought I wanted to use a flashy new web server. (Nginx, Caddy.) I was wrong
  • Raspberry Pi’s get really touchy if you use a shitty power supply
  • Powerlevel 10k makes me feel special

I still have a few bits to do, but I’m getting there.

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